Rudetermined’s Weblog

just getting the grade.

Overview of Module 1 October 5, 2007

Wow!! I cannot believe that the first module is already over! It really seems like just yesterday we split up into groups. I’ve been thinking a lot about this class and I must be honest when I say I have learned more in four weeks than I have in any of my other classes so far this semester. No lie. As I have already mentioned, I am very technology illiterate so reading all the required articles opened my eyes up to a whole new world of opportunities. Also, the information that we learned in class, as well as the different sites we’ve been introduced to and have registered for prove to be very beneficial internet sources. I am absolutely amazed how far the internet has come and how it is still on the advance. At the same time, I am shocked at some of the things that the web offers us that people partake in that can be disadvantages, whether we realize them or not.

            Going back to what I was saying about learning more in this class than any other one I have so far, I must also touch base upon the fact that the book (that we clearly didn’t need in this module) was only about $10 as opposed to the $80 or more I have spent on my other required texts. It is funny how things work out sometimes. Everything I needed for this class was provided for me on the web, at an easy access. I guess that is the point…to show us how technology is benefiting us in many many ways. I would always print the articles from the Mimosa computer lab, which was free. This just goes to show, in another sense, how the internet can be very informative and beneficial for us in providing material we need for free. The internet is not only an excellent source for receiving information, but for posting it as well. Dr. Wolff has introduced us to many different sources that allow us to communicate with other users, speak our minds, and develop our own personal profiles and spaces at our own convenience.

            I can remember the first day of class when we watched the Shift Happens video and we saw how quickly technology was pretty much taking over our lives. I can see how this is relevant to us now, and I am pretty anxious to see where it’s going. Also, I would just like to comment that I find it pretty cool that we are the first class to ever have this Introduction to Writing Arts experience, and I am very impressed with the deliverance of the material up until this point. I am sad to be leaving this module because I honestly enjoyed going to this class, but I am also looking forward to whatever is next on our agenda J



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