Rudetermined’s Weblog

just getting the grade.

Lonely Girl 15 September 28, 2007

Filed under: online entertainment — rudetermined @ 2:08 am
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Wow! Prior to this assignment, I never had any idea about LonelyGirl15 and the amount of attention she drew from viewers across the nation. After reading “The Secret World of Lonely Girl” I was anxious to watch some of the videos. It seemed really neat to me that some kid just wrote a little series, decorated his room as if it were a girl’s, and found an actress to play the role of a geeky girl in a lonely town. It leaves the impression that anyone can make it big in this world. The videos that I watched were pretty good. I never really just go on YouTube and browse for videos so this was kind of a new experience for me. I have watched videos on YouTube, but I never viewed a series quite like this.

Honestly, I think her videos are cute. She comes off as a typical girl just bored in her room, venting her emotions. The only difference: she’s talking to the entire world. In my opinion, it makes no difference whether she is pretending to be someone else or if she is acting as herself. The only thing that matters is that she is entertaining and keeps the viewers’ interest. After all, we all watch a multitude of shows on TV and those people are not acting as their true selves. I guess the only problem here was that she posed as if it really was her, when really it wasn’t. But oh well, that’s how it is these days. Anything online can deceive you, especially with the technology that is out there and on the advance. Kind of gets me thinking…what’s in store for Lonely Girl now?
