Rudetermined’s Weblog

just getting the grade.

I Write. September 28, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized,writing — rudetermined @ 6:00 am
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At the long-awaited conclusion of DeVoss’ article, “Why Napster Matters to Writing”, reasons are given as to why people write:


“People write because they want to interact, to share, to learn, to play, and to help others. They engage others for connection, compatibility, love, sex, desire, self-fullfillment (or egomania), the thirst for justice, the thirst for freedom, out of boredom, out of need for interaction, to make their lives more comfortable…”

             This got me thinking. I am a Writing Arts major. When first applying to Rowan I declared undecided because I was torn between education and journalism. After taking some education courses, I found that I really do want to be a teacher. My College Comp I course, though very challenging, was the most writing-intensive course I have ever been involved in. The articles we read and topics we wrote about were very intriguing and even though it was difficult to master, I was always pleased with the final drafts of my writing. I was writing at a level I didn’t know I was capable of achieving. Reaching desired goals on terms of grades, I found self-fullfillement. My professor was very informative and thus I requested her for College Comp II. So what am I rambling on about here? I have always had a desire for writing, and for conquering seemingly difficult tasks. That’s why I came to declare Writing Arts as my dual-major. 

            On more personal terms, I write because I can. I write because I want to. I write because I have to. I write because I need to. I write to relieve stress. I write to remember. I write to study. I write to inform. I write to understand. I write to vent. I write to impress. I write for the fulfillment I feel after producing something valuable and worth reading. Ultimately, I write for me. So far this course has introduced me to ways in which I can write freely, publish my own thoughts, and receive feedback on my own written words. Stories of bloggers being recognized for blogs they post provide me with the motivation to start doing the same. I can write what I want, when I want, at the convenience of my own home. This suits me perfectly, since my main profession will be in teaching. I don’t know what I want to do with writing when I “grow up”, but I do know that it is something I will always have a desire for. With the advancements of writing in digital spaces, who knows what I will get myself into. Whatever it may be, I am looking forward to it.
